Sokoban false false true macros_menu.examples>end("Examples").end ruby # @title Dynamic database manipulation: a "Sokoban" implementation # # This toy application dynamically changes the database to realize a game arena. # As a trial application, it implements one level of the famous "Sokoban" game. module Examples # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # A class that simplifies the creation of new menu entries by # allowing a more "Ruby-style" callbacks class MenuHandler < RBA::Action def initialize(t, k, &action) self.title = t self.shortcut = k self.on_triggered = action end end # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The base class for objects that inhabit the arena class GameObject # Constructor: each object must have a position def initialize(x, y) @x = x @y = y end # Helper method: create a cell ("game" is the game controller object) def create_cell(game, name) if game.layout.has_cell?(name) @cell_index = game.layout.cell_by_name(name) else @cell_index = game.layout.add_cell(name) build_cell(game) end end # Instantiate our cell in the top cell ("game" is the game controller object) def instantiate(game) t = RBA::Trans::new(RBA::Point::new(@x*1000, @y*1000)) inst = RBA::CellInstArray::new(@cell_index, t) game.topcell.insert(inst) end # Predicate telling if we can move # Reimplemented by the derived classes def can_move?(level, x, y) return true end # Check, if we are at the given position def is_at?(x, y) return x == @x && y == @y end # Predicate, telling if we are at the guy def is_guy? return false end # Predicate, telling if we are an obstacle (i.e. a piece of the wall) def is_obstacle? return false end # Predicate, telling if we are a target def is_target? return false end # Predicate, telling if we are a diamond (the "load" to move around) def is_diamond? return false end end # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # A piece of the wall class Wall < GameObject def construct(game) create_cell(game, "wall") end def build_cell(game) lay1 = game.create_layer("wall.1", 0xc00000, 0xffc280, 0) ystep = 125 width = 250 (1000 / ystep).times do |n| x = (n % 2 == 1) ? -width / 2 : 0 while x < 1000 brick = RBA::Box::new(x < 0 ? 0 : x, n * ystep, x + width > 1000 ? 1000 : x + width, (n + 1) * ystep) game.layout.cell(@cell_index).shapes(lay1).insert_box(brick) x += width end end end def is_obstacle? return true end end # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # A target class Target < GameObject def construct(game) create_cell(game, "target") end def build_cell(game) lay2 = game.create_layer("target.2", 0x80ff8d, 0x80ff8d, 0) lay1 = game.create_layer("target.1", 0x01c04b, 0x01c04b, 0) [ [ 0, 50, lay1 ], [ 50, 100, lay2 ], [ 100, 150, lay1 ], [ 150, 200, lay2 ], [ 200, 250, lay1 ], [ 250, 300, lay2 ], [ 300, 350, lay1 ] ].each do |r| pointlist = [] n = 32 n.times do |a| x = 500 + r[1] * Math::cos((2 * Math::PI * a) / n) y = 500 + r[1] * Math::sin((2 * Math::PI * a) / n) pointlist.push(RBA::Point::new(x, y)) end shape = RBA::Polygon::new(pointlist) if r[0] > 0 pointlist = [] n = 32 n.times do |a| x = 500 + r[0] * Math::cos((2 * Math::PI * a) / n) y = 500 + r[0] * Math::sin((2 * Math::PI * a) / n) pointlist.push(RBA::Point::new(x, y)) end shape.insert_hole(pointlist) end game.layout.cell(@cell_index).shapes(r[2]).insert_polygon(shape) end end def is_target? return true end end # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # A diamond class Diamond < GameObject def construct(game) create_cell(game, "diamond") end def build_cell(game) lay1 = game.create_layer("diamond.1", 0x80fffb, 0x8000ff, 0, 2) pts = [ [ [ 300, 900 ], [ 700, 900 ], [ 600, 870 ], [ 400, 870 ] ], [ [ 700, 900 ], [ 900, 730 ], [ 680, 800 ], [ 600, 870 ] ], [ [ 680, 800 ], [ 900, 730 ], [ 660, 520 ], [ 600, 720 ] ], [ [ 660, 520 ], [ 600, 720 ], [ 400, 720 ], [ 340, 520 ] ], [ [ 320, 800 ], [ 100, 730 ], [ 340, 520 ], [ 400, 720 ] ], [ [ 300, 900 ], [ 100, 730 ], [ 320, 800 ], [ 400, 870 ] ], [ [ 400, 870 ], [ 600, 870 ], [ 680, 800 ], [ 600, 720 ], [ 400, 720 ], [ 320, 800 ] ], [ [ 100, 730 ], [ 500, 125 ], [ 340, 520 ] ], [ [ 340, 520 ], [ 500, 125 ], [ 660, 520 ] ], [ [ 660, 520 ], [ 500, 125 ], [ 900, 730 ] ] ] pts.each do |pp| pointlist = [] pp.each { |p| pointlist.push(RBA::Point::new(p[0], p[1])) } shape = RBA::Polygon::new(pointlist) game.layout.cell(@cell_index).shapes(lay1).insert_polygon(shape) end end def can_move?(level, x, y) level.each_object { |o| if o.is_at?(@x + x, @y + y) if o.is_obstacle? || o.is_diamond? return false end end } return true end def move(level, x, y) @x += x @y += y @in_target = false level.each_object { |o| if o.is_target? && o.is_at?(@x, @y) @in_target = true end } end def is_diamond? return true end def in_target? return @in_target end end # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The guy class Guy < GameObject def construct(game) create_cell(game, "guy") end def build_cell(game) lay1 = game.create_layer("guy.1", 0x805000, 0xffffff, 0) pts = [ [ [ 400, 880 ], [ 420, 940 ], [ 580, 940 ], [ 600, 880 ], [ 550, 750 ], [ 450, 750 ] ], [ [ 350, 740 ], [ 630, 740 ], [ 710, 640 ], [ 710, 350 ], [ 630, 350 ], [ 630, 610 ], [ 620, 610 ], [ 620, 100 ], [ 700, 100 ], [ 700, 50 ], [ 505, 50 ], [ 505, 400 ], [ 495, 400 ], [ 495, 50 ], [ 300, 50 ], [ 300, 100 ], [ 380, 100 ], [ 380, 610 ], [ 370, 610 ], [ 370, 350 ], [ 290, 350 ], [ 290, 640 ] ] ] pts.each do |pp| pointlist = [] pp.each { |p| pointlist.push(RBA::Point::new(p[0], p[1])) } shape = RBA::Polygon::new(pointlist) game.layout.cell(@cell_index).shapes(lay1).insert_polygon(shape) end end def can_move?(level, x, y) level.each_object { |o| if o.is_at?(@x + x, @y + y) if o.is_obstacle? return false elsif o.is_diamond? && !o.can_move?(level, x, y) return false end end } return true end def move(level, x, y) @x += x @y += y level.each_object { |o| if o.is_at?(@x, @y) && o.is_diamond? o.move(level, x, y) end } return true end def is_guy? return true end end # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The arena which is inhabitated by GameObjects class Level def initialize() # This is one example for an arena arena = [ ' ####', '#### #', '# ####', '# $ # . ##', '# # . #', '## #$$#. #', '## #####', '# @ ###', '# #', '#####', ] @objs = [] y = arena.size - 1 arena.each { |l| x = 0 l.split("").each { |o| if o == '#' @objs.push(, y)) elsif o == '.' @objs.push(, y)) elsif o == '$' @objs.push(, y)) elsif o == '@' @guy =, y) @objs.push(@guy) end x += 1 } y -= 1 } end # iterate over all objects in the arena def each_object(&action) @objs.each { |o| } end # get the object representing the guy def guy return @guy end end # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The game controller class Game def initialize() # Get the reference to the application object, the main window and the menu app = RBA::Application.instance mw = app.main_window menu = # create the menu handlers # IMPORTANT: in order to keep the references (which is not done on C++ side) # we need to assign the reference to member variables @down_handler ="Down", "Down") { move(0, -1) } @left_handler ="Left", "Left") { move(-1, 0) } @right_handler ="Right", "Right") { move(1, 0) } @up_handler ="Up", "Up") { move(0, 1) } @restart_handler ="Restart", "") { restart } # add new menu entries into the toolbar and bind them to our action handlers menu.insert_separator("@toolbar.end", "name") menu.insert_item("@toolbar.end", "sokoban_down", @down_handler) menu.insert_item("@toolbar.end", "sokoban_left", @left_handler) menu.insert_item("@toolbar.end", "sokoban_right", @right_handler) menu.insert_item("@toolbar.end", "sokoban_up", @up_handler) menu.insert_item("@toolbar.end", "sokoban_restart", @restart_handler) # create a new layout and store a reference to it's view objects, layout handle # and a reference to the top cell mw.create_layout("", 0) @view = mw.current_view @view.set_config("bitmap-oversampling", "3") @layout = @view.cellview(0).layout @topcell = @layout.add_cell("game") # initialize the layer list: so far we do not have layers @layers = {} # create and initialize some dummy objects so it is guaranteed that the layers are # created in the right order. dummy_objs = [, 0),, 0),, 0),, 0) ] dummy_objs.each { |o| o.construct(self) } # instantiate the level and create @level = @level.each_object { |o| o.construct(self) } @level.each_object { |o| o.instantiate(self) } # set up the viewer window: select the new cell for top cell, update cell hierarchy browser # and layer list, fit all and show all levels of hierarchy @view.select_cell_path([@topcell], 0) @view.update_content @view.zoom_fit @view.max_hier end # start over def restart @level = @level.each_object { |o| o.construct(self) } redraw end # refresh the layout with the current arena setup def redraw # IMPORTANT: always stop the redraw thread before applying changes @view.stop_redraw # empty the top cell and recreate the instances to the game objects # so they appear at their position topcell.clear_insts @level.each_object { |o| o.instantiate(self) } @view.select_cell_path([@topcell], 0) # force an update and redraw of the content @view.update_content RBA::Application.instance.main_window.redraw end # move the guy by the specified distance def move(dx, dy) # IMPORTANT: because the user may have closed the view panel or the layout, # we need to check, if we still have a valid object if ! @view.destroyed? # check, if we can move the guy and do so. if @level.guy.can_move?(@level, dx, dy) @level.guy.move(@level, dx, dy) end # update the arena view redraw # check, if all objects have been moved into their targets all_in_target = true @level.each_object { |o| if o.is_diamond? && !o.in_target? all_in_target = false end } if all_in_target RBA::MessageBox::info("Done", "Congratulations! Level done.", RBA::MessageBox::b_ok) @level = @level.each_object { |o| o.construct(self) } redraw end end end # retrieve the top cell handle def topcell return @layout.cell(@topcell) end # retrieve the layout handle def layout return @layout end # create a layer with the given properties def create_layer(name, color, frame_color, stipple, width = 1) if @layers[name] == nil linfo = lid = @layout.insert_layer(linfo) @layers[name] = lid lpp = @view.end_layers ln = RBA::LayerPropertiesNode::new ln.dither_pattern = stipple ln.fill_color = color ln.frame_color = frame_color ln.width = width ln.source_layer_index = lid @view.insert_layer(lpp, ln) else lid = @layers[name] end return lid end end # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Main application # instantiate the game controller @sokoban_game = end